Sign Up for Town & County Updates, News, and Alerts

Town Email News & Alerts:

The Town of Ossining is a community which prospers when neighbors take time and effort to contribute. Stay connected with the latest news and events by signing up for our mailing list.

Please note, you will be sent a CONFIRMATION EMAIL to which you will need to respond in order to complete your subscriber registration.

Tax Reminders & Alerts Signup Here!

Would you like to receive e-mail reminders for important tax deadlines?

Sign up for e-mail reminders for your Town/County and School tax bills by submitting the form. You will receive notices of important deadlines so you won't miss a tax bill.

Tax Reminders & Alerts Signup Here!


Police E.M.A.S. - E-Mail Alert System

To sign-up for E.M.A.S., please email with "EMAS Signup" in the subject line.

Any property owner, resident, second homeowner, or business can receive E.M.A.S. Anyone interested in community safety is welcome. This is a FREE service. There is no special hardware or software needed. All you need is your standard e-mail address.

All E.M.A.S. messages will be sent via Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc:). Your e-mail address will not appear on the top of messages sent. We do not distribute e-mail addresses without the permission of the owner. If you no longer wish to receive E.M.A.S. messages, just e-mail your request for removal.

Lt. Nick Alongi -
Westchester County Police Department, Patrol Operations.

Special Needs Registry - Westchester County

Would you need extra help in an emergency?

What is the Special Needs Registry?
Westchester County is putting together a list of residents who may require additional assistance, transportation or a place to stay in the event of a major emergency or disaster. If you are elderly or disabled and would have trouble leaving your home quickly if told to do so, you should sign up for the Special Needs Registry.

How do I sign up?



Westchester Emergency Alert Signup

Westchester County is expanding its communications system to allow the public to be contacted directly in case of a large-scale emergency.

We can use email, text messaging and/or phone messages to provide information to you before, during or after a major storm or other disaster. This information might include updates about emergency conditions, what to do, where to go, etc.