The Board of Assessment Review members:
Abby Bergman, Valerie Cascione, Teresa Duguet, Paul Mazzilli, Lawrence Shactel

The Board of Assessment Review meets annually the third Tuesday of June to hear any complaints regarding assessments.

The Board of Assessment Review will meet this year on June 17, 2025 from 4:30pm – 8:30pm to hear any complaints regarding assessments.

Important Resources from the Office of the Assessor:

pdf Grievance Questionnaire - Board of Assessment Review(93 KB)

folder Ossining Assessment Rolls - current and past

Property Tax Forms - Assessment Grievance (NYS Office of Property Taxes and Assessments)

New York State Office of Property Taxes and Assessments

Disagreement with the actual tax dollar amount is not a basis for filing a complaint.

Instructions on how to file and grievance applications can be obtained from the Town Assessor's office or the NY State ORPS web site. Completed applications must be submitted three business days prior to Grievance Day.

Instructions on how to file a complaint on your assessment are available at this NY State ORPS web page.

Also, visit the overall New York State Office of Property Taxes and Assessments website for further detailed information on state procedures and regulations.

Grievance Day:
   Third Tuesday in June each year.


Please visit the Assessor's Office page for more information.