Sue Donnelly,
Town Clerk

phone (914) 762-8428
fax (914) 801-5303

16 Croton Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562

Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm. The following services are available in the Town/Village Clerk's Office.

Please contact our office in advance for availability of hunting/fishing license issuance or notary services.

Town Clerk

Town of Ossining Open and Closed Bid Solicitations: The Town of Ossining has partnered with the Empire State Purchasing Group to publish solicitations. We hope vendors find this system useful in expanding their visibility to the broad array bid opportunities from the extensive number of agencies that are part of the Empire State Purchasing Group!
Click here to visit the Empire State Purchasing Group.

folder Bid Specifications can be found here.

Submit your FOIL request online: application for public access to records.

pdf Town Fee Schedule(198 KB) - schedule consists of a compilation and consolidation of provisions pertaining to fees for the various applications, licenses and permits required or provided for under the Town Code, rules and regulations.

General Licensing:

Vital Records:

Town FOIL & Claim for Reimbursement/Replacement:

Dog Licenses:

Ossining Town Board:

Minutes and agendas of regular meetings of the Ossining Town Board and Village of Ossining Board Trustees are available for review in the Town/Village Clerk's Office.

Village of Ossining Forms:

New York State:

Please note, you will be sent a CONFIRMATION EMAIL to which you will need to respond in order to complete your subscriber registration.

Town Board Contacts

Town Supervisor:

Elizabeth R. Feldman
phone (914) 762-6001
fax (914) 762-0833

Board Members:

Jennifer Fields-Tawil
Angelo Manicchio
Gregory G. Meyer
Matthew Weiss

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