Holly Perlowitz
Receiver of Taxes
Phone: (914) 762-8790
Fax (914) 762-0635
TheJohn-Paul Rodrigues Operations Centercan only be reached from theSouthboundlane of Route 9A and is between Route 134 and Route 133. The Town Building Department is on the second floor.
Click here to look up the amount due on the Town's website.
Tax Payments can be made online here, by mail, or at 16 Croton Avenue, Ossining, New York, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The Tax Office is always also available via phone at (914) 762-8790 and by email athperlowitz@townofossining.com.
Call (914) 762-8790 if you are a new homeowner and/or need a copy of your bill.
Tax Reminders & Alerts -- Signup Here!
Sign up for e-mail reminders for your Town/County and School tax bills and receive notices of important deadlines so you won't miss a tax bill!
The Office of Receiver of Taxes collects yearly school, town, and county taxes and enforces the collection of delinquent taxes. Residents may contact the office to inquire about tax rates as well as taxes owed and paid.
Request For Mailing of Duplicate Tax Bills or Statements of Unpaid Taxes to a Third Party
Dates to Remember:
January 31: Second half school taxes due without penalty
April 30: Town and county taxes (one installment) are due without penalty
September 30: First half school taxes due without penalty
Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday
The Town/County bill represents Town General and Westchester County taxes for residents of the Town of Ossining. Tax bills for residents of the Unincorporated Area, who do not pay taxes to either Village, also include a Town Unincorporated tax and special district taxes for water, sewer, refuse, lighting, and fire protection.
folder Document archive of Town Tax Rates and Levie for Fiscal Years from 2005 to present.
The Towns in Westchester County are fiscal agents for the collection of school taxes. Budgets are prepared and adopted by public referendum, and are not the function of the Town Government. Veteran's Exemptions do not apply to school taxes.
School Taxes (first installment) are due September 30 without penalty.
Second Installment school taxes may be paid any time until January 31 without penalty.
folder Document archive of School Tax Levies for Fiscal Years from 2006-07 to present.
All inquiries concerning budget matters or expenditures should be directed to:
Ossining Board of Education 400 Executive Blvd Ossining, NY 10562 (914) 941-7700 | Briarcliff Manor Board of Education Ingham Road Briarcliff, NY 10510 (914) 941-8880 |
Schedule of Penalties: | ||
School Tax Payments: | ||
Month | First Half | Second Half |
September | none | none |
October | 2% | none |
November | 5% | none |
December - January | 7% | none |
February - March | 10% | 10% |
April | 12% | 12% |
May 1 - Date of Foreclosure* | 1% per month on unpaid delinquent tax (12% per annum) |
Town Tax Payments: | |
Month | Penalty |
May | 2% |
June - July | 5% |
August - September | 7% |
October - December | 10% |
January - April | 12% |
May 1 - Date of Foreclosure* | 1% per month on unpaid delinquent tax (12% per annum) |
*The Date of Foreclosure is usually 21 months after the tax levy (September 1 for school taxes and April 1 for town/county taxes).
Request For Mailing of Duplicate Tax Bills or Statements of Unpaid Taxes to a Third Party
folder Click here for latest Consolidated Rate Sheets here...
A handy tool for Realtors and Appraisors. With this chart, you can verify the total taxes on a property with one multiplication using the consolidated rate which includes Town, County, School, and appropriate village tax rates. Send an e-mail tohperlowitz@townofossining.comwith "Consolidated Rates" in the subject to request automatic updates.
Method of Computing tax bills:Total taxes to be raised divided by Assessed Valuation = Rate per $1,000. Your bill is determined by your assessed value multiplied by the tax rate divided by 1000.
The amount paid in Town General Taxes is the smallest portion of this bill. The Ossining Ambulance Special District provides emergency medical lifesaving services to the residents of the Village of Ossining and the Unincorporated Town.
Your Town General Taxes pay for the following expenditures:
Parks Maintenance, Recreation, Senior Programs, Veterans Services, Assessment, Tax Collection, Data Processing, Financial, Supervisor, Town Board, Town Justice, Town Clerk, Town Attorney, Elections, Historian, and other Town-wide services.
Check theAssessor's Officefor further information on how to file a complaint on your assessment, also available at theNY State Department of Taxation and Financeweb site.
County Taxes include the County General tax, Solid Waste and Sewer. Questions concerning the County Tax portion of your bill should be directed to the County of Westchester at (914) 995-2850.
TO AVOID PENALTIES:If you mail your payment at the end of the month the tax is due, be sure there is a timely official United States postmark on the envelope or use a designated delivery service such as FedEx, UPS or Airborne. Postage meter (i.e. Pitney Bowes) and foreign postmarks are not acceptable. A Certificates of Mailing is not proof of timely payment (NY State Comptroller’s Office). When an envelope containing payment of local taxes contains no U. S. postmark or designated delivery service posting date, payment of such taxes is deemed to have been made on the date the payment is received and penalty must be paid (Real Property Tax Law §922). New York State Law provides that the Tax Receiver cannot waive penalties on real estate taxes paid after the due date for any reason. (Real Property Tax Law §920.)
Grievance Day:Third Tuesday in June each year.
Some Veteran's Exemptions apply to school taxes.
Call the Assessor's Office at (914)762-8274 to see if your Veteran's Exemption qualifies for a School Tax exemption.