Copies of the adopted Comprehensive Plan are also available at the Ossining Municipal Building and Public Library in the Village of Ossining. We encourage you to review all sections of the document, since a topic of particular interest could be covered in one or more chapters.

Go here for the latest updates and Action Plan moving forward on the Proposed Revisions of the Town of Ossining Comp Plan and supporting laws.

Comprehensive Plan - Download Project Documents

This document is the result of months of work by the Comprehensive Plan Committee, project consultants and Town officials. The Plan also incorporates ideas and thoughts from the public and various community groups who attended Public Workshops and outreach meetings, as well as input from property owners, adjacent municipalities, and the Public Opinion Survey.

The adopted Town of Ossining Comprehensive Plan contains an overall Vision Statement, 7 Goals, 34 Objectives and 105 Implementation Strategies relating to: Community Appearance, Environmental Resources, Residential, Parks and Recreation, Community Services and Facilities, Transportation, and Future Development and Redevelopment.

Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee 2002
Town Board:
 Supervisor John Chervokas
 Fran Connolly
Zoning Board of Appeals:
 Charles Geiter
Planning Board:
 George Weeks
Business Owners:
 Tony Beldotti, Wendy Masserman
Environmental Advisory Committee:
 Lou Sherman
Town Residents:
 Sue Carey, Nancy Koba
Town Assessor:
 Josette Polzella
Town Budget Officer:
 Connie Cerny
Project Consultants
Frederick P. Clark Associates, Inc.
David H. Stolman, AICP, PP, President