nys dec 400x90

Questions about Stormwater?Jon Turnquist, Town Building Inspector, is our Stormwater Management Officer. (914) 762-8419 or JTurnquist@townofossining.com.

Need to report an illicit discharge outside of Town business hours? Call the Ossining Police Department at (914) 941-4099.

Stormwater - MS4 Annual Report/Interim Progress Certification 1/3/2024-1/2/2025

Stormwater Annual Report 2022-2023 (Year 19)
 -  Indian Brook/Croton Gorge Watershed Alliance (2023)
 -  MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form - Contact (2023)
 - MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form - Preparer (2023)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report 2021 (1.01 MB) (Year 18)
 -  pdf Indian Brook/Croton Gorge Watershed Alliance(76 KB)
 -  pdf MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form - Contact(69 KB)
 - pdf MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form - Preparer(70 KB)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report 2020(1.00 MB) (Year 17)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report 2019(1.00 MB) (Year 16)
  —  folder View MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Forms here...

pdf Stormwater Annual Report 2018(1.00 MB) (Year 15)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report 2017(1022 KB) (Year 14)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report- 2016(1022 KB) (Year 13)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report - 2015(1.80 MB) (Year 12)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report - 2014(1015 KB) (Year 11)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report - 2013(1016 KB) (Year 10)

pdf Stormwater Annual Report - 2012(1011 KB) (Year 9)

folder Download All - Town of Ossining Stormwater MS4 Annual Reports


pdf Illicit Discharge Reporting(78 KB)

pdf Illicit Stormwater Discharge Detection Survey(12 KB)

pdf Town of Ossining Stormwater Screen Fillable Questionnaire(21 KB)

pdf Town Stormwater - Outfall Locations Map - Storm Sewersheds (Drainage Basin)(697 KB)
Revised 05/13/09


pdf SWM Best Management Practices(38 KB)

pdf SWM Retail Gas and Fuel Outlets(43 KB)

pdf SWM Supermarkets Restaurants and Fast Food Outlets(43 KB)

pdf SWM Pet Waste(77 KB)

pdf SWM Parking Lots(44 KB)


US EPA - Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents

New York State DEC - Stormwater Phase II Permits

Westchester County Stormwater Management Resources

The Center for Watershed Protection

Indian Brook- Croton Gorge Watershed Conservation Action Plan

Westchester County Planning Department

Information provided by the Westchester County Planning Dept.

Stormwater runoff is the excess rain or melted snow that cannot be absorbed by the soil and flows off our roofs, and over our yards, parking lots, and streets. It becomes nonpoint source pollution when it picks up contaminants along the way such as litter, fertilizer, and car oils, and enters a storm drain system where it is transported to a waterbody. Stormwater runoff has been identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a major contributor of pollution to our watercourses, waterbodies and wetlands, and is also a concern for flooding.

Storm Drains
Storm drains are the grate openings you see along curbs, streets and parking lots. Their purpose is to collect stormwater runoff and direct it through a conveyance system to a discharge point such as a stream or lake. A sanitary sewer, on the other hand, takes household waste water from toilets, sinks and showers and transports it to a wastewater treatment facility where the water is treated thoroughly before it is released.

Westchester County Efforts
In November 1999 the EPA finalized regulations that require small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in urbanized areas to reduce discharges from storm sewers to the maximum extent practicable by developing and implementing programs to manage stormwater runoff.  Many of Westchester County’s programs already meet these permit requirements, and others are being created to provide even more protection of our water resources.

What can I do?
Your day-to-day activities on land have an effect on your water quality, whether it’s your drinking water or your favorite beach, but there are simple things that you can do differently in order to protect this valuable, natural resource.

  • Start by familiarizing yourself with the water cycle.
  • Then identify the watershed you live in so that you understand which water bodies are affected by your land use activities.
  • Build a rain garden or a rain barrel on your property.

For more information, visit the Weschester County Department of Planning Stormwater Management website.

NYS DEC Storm Water Phase II

MS4 SPDES Permit No. NYR20A370

pdf Illicit Discharge Reporting(78 KB) --  pdf Illicit Stormwater Discharge Detection Survey(12 KB)

The Town of Ossining has been complying with the NYS DEC requirements for an MS4 community.  This requires completion of several tasks over a period of years.  One of those tasks is entitled, “Illicit Storm Water Discharge Detection Elimination.”  Another task is entitled, “Public Participation.”  A third is entitled, “Public Education.”

We have been monitoring the Town’s storm drainage system via the Building and Highway Departments.  However, you can help satisfy the NYS DEC requirements by participating in the same type of survey as our Town Departments.  The attached Survey Form is simple to complete and does not take much time.  Perhaps while at the bus stop, or an afternoon walk.  Your children can help, also.

The idea is to identify any location where the “wrong stuff” is being put into the storm drainage system.  That “wrong stuff” could be motor oil, soap suds, septic system overflows, industrial discharge, or anything of that sort.

Several sample entries are shown in italics on the top of the attached form.  Don’t be concerned about wording your entry perfectly.  Please enter the location and results even if there is no problem observed.  We need to look at the entire storm drainage system.  The intent is to locate these situations.  Each Illicit Discharge will be looked into.  So, technically accurate descriptions are not necessary.  Each survey sheet may be sent in with as few as 1 or 2 lines filled out.  No cover letter is needed to send in the survey sheets. 

Please mail the form to:
Town of Ossining Building Department
Operations Building – Rte 9A
PO Box 1166
Ossining, NY 10562

Thank you for your help in this matter. This effort will help clean up our storm drains, streams and rivers, in addition to complying with the NYS DEC requirements.

Stormwater FAQs

Across the nation, attention is being shifted to sources of pollution, such as Stormwater runoff, that are not normally treated by wastewater treatment plants. Stormwater management, especially in urban areas, is becoming a necessary step in seeking further reduction of pollution in our waterways.

  pdf Read more facts and suggestions and ways you can help in our Stormwater "Did You Know" flyer(78 KB) (from Town of Ossining and Green Ossining Committee)


  • Bacteria from animal wastes and illicit connections to sewerage systems can make nearby lakes and bays unsafe for wading, swimming and the propagation of edible shellfish.
  • Oil and grease from automobiles causes sheen and odor and makes transfer of oxygen difficult for aquatic organisms.
  • Sediment from construction activities clouds waterways and interferes with the habitat of living things that depend upon those waters.
  • Careless application of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers affect the health of living organisms and cause ecosystem imbalances.
  • Litter damages aquatic life, introduces chemical pollution, and diminishes the beauty of our waterways.