The Environmental Advisory Committee Members:
Mitzi Elkes (Chairperson)
John Ladd
David Margulis
Marilyn Owens
Donna Sharrett (Planning Board Liaison)
David Kreiger (Zoning Board Liaison)
Contacting the EAC
Residents can contact the EAC for detailed information on the Town of Ossining's environmental ordinances, to nominate a significant tree for protection, to report environmental issues, to propose environmental policies, or to volunteer their time toward EAC efforts. Please submit questions or suggestions in the below EAC Contact Form, or via mail or phone:
Mitzi Elkes, Chair
Environmental Advisory Committee
16 Croton Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562
(914) 762-6000
The Town of Ossining created the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) to advise in the development, management, and protection of its natural resources. EAC members are appointed by the Board of the Town of Ossining and serve five year terms.
While expertise in a particular focus area of conservation is advantageous, it is not a requirement. We look for team players with diverse perspectives who are committed to the long-term sustainability of our environment and are willing to learn and actively participate at our monthly meetings. The EAC generally meets via zoom on the first Monday of each month from 6:30 till 8:00pm.
We welcome middle school and high school students, as well!
pdf EAC Quick Guide: Town Environmental Regulations (276 KB)
pdf EAC Quick Guide: Town Environmental Regulations - Spanish (302 KB)
The EAC has successfully worked with the Town of Ossining to enact a Tree Protection Ordinance, Wetland Protection Ordinance, and Steep Slope Ordinance. The EAC is developing recommendations for the protection of Ossining's local water supply. In addition, the EAC helped Ossining to qualify as a national "Tree City", through its tree protection efforts.
Read the Environmental Quality Review Local Law in the online Town General Code, Chapter 85.
The Town of Ossining has been complying with the NYS DEC requirements for an MS4 community. This requires completion of several tasks over a period of years. pdf Find out how you can help the Stormwater Management Program. (21 KB)
For more information about pesticides, please visit the Westchester County Department of Health website.
Join us at Earth Day Festival in April, sponsored by the Green Ossining Committee.
folder Stormwater Management Program compliance and relevant documents
Indian Brook- Croton Gorge Watershed Conservation Action Plan
Westchester County Stormwater Management Resources
pdf Town of Ossining Wetlands and Drainage Map (1998) (256.88 MB)
ICLEI Membership & Cities for Climate Protection [Town Board Meeting 05/26/09]
Climate Smart Community Pledge [Town Board Meeting 06/09/09]
Application for Permit to the DEC (Scarborough Manor Central Power Plant)
Ossining has an important Tree Ordinance that protects our trees from unnecessary destruction and also provides that the Village Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) should compile a list of nominations of trees in the Village to be added to the Village’s "Significant Tree List."
Please help the EAC compile the nomination list by recommending your own favorite tree. Trees to be nominated must be located on your property. The Ordinance defines a tree as “any woody plant having at least one well-defined trunk with at least a [diameter at breast height] of four inches and having a clearly defined crown."
A Significant Tree is a single tree or grove of trees selected “on the basis of specimen quality, historical significance or other unique characteristic.” The law further provides that the designation must be agreed to by the property owner.
The EAC needs your help with nominations for inclusion on the Significant Tree List. The ultimate decision whether to approve the submitted nominations will be made by the Village Board of Trustees, but providing the EAC with pictures, locations, and a statement of why you think the tree or grove should be so honored, along with owner’s permission note or name, will be a great help and can be a fun and learning experience for you and your children.
For more information or to nominate a tree, email .
Across the nation, attention is being shifted to sources of pollution, such as Stormwater runoff, that are not normally treated by wastewater treatment plants. Stormwater management, especially in urban areas, is becoming a necessary step in seeking further reduction of pollution in our waterways.
pdf Read more facts and suggestions and ways you can help in our Stormwater "Did You Know" flyer (78 KB) (from Town of Ossining and Green Ossining Committee)
Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ossining 3-26-1985 by L.L. No. 2-1985.
Read the Town General Code -
Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ossining 2-24-1998 by L.L. No. 2-1998. This local law also repealed former Ch. 105, Freshwater Wetlands, adopted 8-24-1976 by L.L. No. 7-1976, as amended.
Adopted by the Town in order to control, protect and preserve its wetlands in light of their valuable ecological functions. The ordinance strikes a reasonable balance between the rights of individual property owners and the public interest. Activities which may impact wetlands are subject to Town approval, while normal ground maintenance is permitted as a matter of right.
Read the Town General Code -
Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ossining 4-25-2000 by L.L. No. 2-2000. This local law, adopted as Ch. 106, was renumbered as Ch. 167 to maintain the alphabetical organization of the Code.
Declares it to be the public policy of the town to regulate, preserve, protect and conserve its steep slopes so as to maintain and protect the natural terrain and its vegetative features, preserve wetlands, water bodies and watercourses, prevent flooding, protect important scenic views and vistas, preserve areas of wildlife habitat, provide safe building sites and protect the subject property and the adjoining property by preventing erosion, creep and sudden slope failure.
Read the Town General Code -
Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ossining 7-11-2006 by L.L. No. 5-2006.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum stormwater management requirements and controls to protect and safeguard the general health, safety, and welfare of the public residing within this jurisdiction.
Read the Town General Code -
Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ossining 7-11-1995 by L.L. No. 5-1995; amended in its entirety 9-14-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010.
Declares the intent of the Town of Ossining to control, protect, conserve, and regulate the use of trees within the Town to ensure that the benefits found to be provided by all trees will not be lost and to protect the broader public interest. This Ordinance includes regulations intended to provide a reasonable balance between the rights of the individual property owners to the free use of their property and the rights of present and future generations of Town residents.
Read the Town General Code -