Aaron Zimmerman,
Police Chief
Ossining Police Department - Emergency Dial 911
88 Spring Street
Ossining NY 10562
(914) 941-4099
New York residents can apply for plates or a parking permit for people with severe disabilities. Requires a medical doctor's signature and certification. Plates are issued at state and county DMV offices, but Permits are issued by local governments, not DMV.
pdf Application for License Plates or Parking Permits for Persons with Severe Disabilities(297 KB)
The Police Department issues emergency text alerts through Nixle, a public safety service. You can opt in by texting your zip code to 888777. The Police Department also maintains a robust social media presence as Twitter @OssiningPolice, on Facebook @policiadeossining , and Instagram @ossiningpolice.
The Department’s Birdsall-Fagan Police Station maintains a dropbox for expired/unused medications. Outside the Station is a designed Internet Purchase Exchange Location for residents looking for a public and safe place to make exchanges. Ossining Police Officers participate in implicit bias training and have worn body cameras since 2014. The Department is committed to public safety for all residents regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, immigration status, or any perceived language barrier.
NOTE: Completed applications must be submitted to: Ossining Town Clerk, 16 Croton Ave, Ossining, NY 10562.