Holly Perlowitz, Receiver of Taxes

16 Croton Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562
Phone: (914) 762-8790
Fax: (914) 762-0635
Email: hperlowitz@townofossining.com

Welcome to the Town of Ossining internet bill payment option.

pdf How to Pay Your Taxes Using the Xpress-pay Online Payment System.(674 KB)

Click here to proceed to Xpress-pay.com Tax Bill Internet Payment.

Your Ossining Town/County and School tax bills are available online until they are paid. Paid bills drop off and are not available.

There is a fee of 3.0% for credit cards and $1.50 for using eChecks. NY State Law requires municipalities to pass these fees on to the consumer for tax payments.  The amount of the fee will be stated separately for your review before you pay the bill.

To find your bill, it is only necessary to enter 5 letters of your last name and 5 letters of your street name (no house numbers, please).

Taxes must be paid in reverse chronological order, with the newest first and the oldest one last. Be sure to check for your tax bills under the correct bill type:

  • Town/county for the proper year
  • 1st installment school tax
  • 2nd installment school tax
  • Tax Lien

All current taxes must be paid before you may pay a lien online.

Please call the Town of Ossining Tax Office at (914)762-8790 during normal business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, if you experience a problem with our internet payment site.

Click here to proceed to Xpress-pay.com Tax Bill Internet Payment.

pdf How to Pay Your Taxes Using the Xpress-pay Online Payment System.(674 KB)


Holly Perlowitz, Receiver of Taxes