John-Paul Rodrigues Operations Center
101 Route 9A - P.O. Box 1166
Ossining, NY 10562

phone (914) 762-8419
fax (914) 944-0195

The John-Paul Rodrigues Operations Center can only be reached from the Southbound lane of Route 9A and is between Route 134 and Route 133. The Town Building Department is on the second floor.

Planning/Architectural Review Board Members: Carolyn Stevens (Chair), Jim Bossinas, William Boyd, Nicholas (Manny) Emmanuel Enriquez, Donna Sharrett, Kimberlie Jacobs (Alternate)

Consultants: Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC and Valerie Monastra, AICP; Daniel A. Ciarcia, PE


Contact the Planning/Architectural Review Board using this form

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Town Planning Board Meetings - Video Archive


The Planning Board usually meets the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the first meeting of the month serving as a "Work Session"- both meetings are open to the public. Meetings are held at the Ossining Operations Center, 101 Route 9A, at 7:30 pm.

Applications heard include:

  • Architectural Review
  • Subdivision Approval
  • Site Plan Approval
  • Wetlands Permits
  • Steep Slopes Permits
  • Filling and Grading Permits
  • Conditional Use Permits
  • Rezoning

If you would like to discuss your application with the Planning Board Engineer and Town Planner before being placed on the agenda. You can request a pre-planning/pre-application meeting if needed. The fee for this is $500 payable to the Town of Ossining.

Please review the application materials carefully and understand that payment of all fees associated with your application is imperative.

Application materials to be discussed at a Planning Board meeting must be submitted to the Building & Planning Department according to the schedule which establishes the submission date deadlines for the respective Planning Board meetings. You will not appear on the Planning Board agenda if you have failed to submit or apply by the deadlines. Application and Schedules available for download as PDF at top/bottom of this page.

Furthermore, projects are not automatically carried over from Planning Board meeting to Planning Board meeting. Applicants must request to be placed on an upcoming agenda no later than the submission date deadlines on the attached schedule.

Applications to the Planning Board must be submitted by the Monday of the week prior to the meeting. Forms may be obtained on the folder Applications & Publications page, or at the Building Department, Ossining Operations Center, 2nd floor.

The pdf Town Schedule of Fees(117 KB) explains the various application review fees. The Short Environmental Assessment Form for the NY State Environmental Quality Review may also be downloaded.

A copy of the Applicaton accompanied by a filing fee and associated Escrow fee (please see the pdf Town Schedule of Fees(117 KB)  for more information), a PDF and 10 hard copies of an accurate, intelligible plan of the property must be submitted by the Monday before the meeting to:

Town of Ossining Planning Board Board
Town of Ossining
Route 9A - P.O. Box 1166
Ossining, NY 10562

Inquires regarding the above policies should be directed to Sandy Anelli at (914)762-8419 at the Building & Planning Department.

Directions to the John Paul Rodrigues Operations Center (Rte 9A) – Building Department, Zoning Board, Planning Board

Board of Architectural Review/Planning Board Landscaping Best Practices

A landscaping plan with plant species, location, and number of plants should be provided for all new buildings or structures, new Site Plans, and any Site Plan amendments where existing plantings will be removed or proposed.  Below are general recommendations to assist Applicants in the development of their landscaping plans.

pdf Download Native Plant Resource Guide(383 KB)

  • Plant Locations – Plantings should be considered in the following locations:
    • Along the side, rear and front property boundaries to create visual screening and/or curbside appearance.
    • Along the front façade of a building to enhance curbside appearance.
    • Any vegetative islands within a parking lot or driveway or buffer strips proposed on a Site Plan.

Note – These are recommendations subject to change and will be reviewed by the Board of Architectural Review/Planning Board upon submission of an application.  Introduction of new pests and diseases may also indicate a different planting should be considered. 

Village of Ossining Intermunicipal Agreement
IMA Proposal to the Town of Ossining
Highway Department, Building Department and Planning Department

The Springsted Report of the Public Works Analysis commissioned by the Village of Ossining, Town of Ossining and the Village of Briarcliff Manor from ICMA was instituted to examine how best to provide Public Works service to all three municipalities.

pdf Download – Village of Ossining IMA Proposal to the Town of Ossining(331 KB) (May 7, 2011)
pdf Download – Town of Ossining Response to the Village IMA Proposal(32 KB) (May 10, 2011)