John-Paul Rodrigues Operations Center
Route 9A
P.O. Box 1166
Ossining, NY 10562

phone (914) 762-8419
fax (914) 944-0195

The John Paul Rodrigues Operations Center (Armory, Rte 9A) can only be reached from the Southbound lane of Route 9A and is between Route 134 and Route 133. The Town Building Department is on the second floor.

Please call the office regarding attendance or e-mail us at:

Zoning Board of Appeals Members: Sal Carrera (Chairman), Lynn Farrell, David Krieger, David O'Neil, Tom Wills

The Zoning Board usually meets the first and/or third Monday of the month. However, the Board is convened only if there is an application on file two weeks prior to that date. Meetings are held at the Ossining Operations Center, 101 Route 9A, at 7:30 pm. Check the Town Calendar of Events or call our offices for meeting schedules. You may also view our video archive of Zoning Board Meetings on our YouTube channel, if available.

Applications heard include:

  • Interpretation of Zoning Code or Zoning Map
  • Variance with regard to permitted uses
  • Variance with regard to area requirements for building lots>

Usually upon a rejection by the Building Inspector for a Building Permit, or from the Planning Board for a subdivision or a site plan, that does not meet the zoning requirements.

  • Special Permits as dictated by zoning district

The Application to the Zoning Board of Appeals may be obtained at the online folder Applications & Publications page or at the Building Department, Ossining Operations Center, 2nd floor.

There is a $350.00 fee to be submitted with the application to:

The Town of Ossining Building Department
Route 9A - P.O. Box 1166
Ossining, NY 10562

If the office can be of any assistance to you, please feel free to call 762-8419.

Directions to the John Paul Rodrigues Operations Center (Armory, Rte 9A) – Building Department, Zoning Board, Planning Board