Happy Friday! Hope everyone had a great week. 


This week, we continued to cultivate opportunities for a greener future through grant funding. On Monday, Valerie Monastra, Victoria Cafarelli, and I participated in a meeting with the Village of Ossining regarding Project MOVER, a project that aims to bring e-bikes and supporting infrastructure to the Ossining community.  This project is a finalist for significant funding from NYSERDA to establish a pilot program in the Village of Ossining that will be expanded to the Town of Ossining and other rivertowns, if the project receives the funding from NYSERDA.  We look forward to staying engaged with this exciting opportunity that has the potential to benefit the greater Ossining community.  


NYSERDA has other grant opportunities open right now for municipalities that are on our radar.  Two of these opportunities relate to greater accessibility for building permitting and code enforcement, including assistance for establishing an online permitting system.  We have been exploring online permitting systems for some time now, so to hear that we may be able to receive $75,000 for a project we were already planning to implement is really exciting.  Our Building Inspector will also be learning more about these programs and we hope to throw our hat in the ring soon to bring in some additional grant dollars.


In other sustainability news, we also continued our public engagement on Sustainable Ossining, our Comprehensive Plan draft, by opening the public hearing at this Tuesday’s Board meeting. Thank you to everyone who has submitted feedback thus far in various formats. The public hearing will continue at our March 22 Town Board meeting; please join us if you are able to do so! We will share meeting details next week. 


The Village of Ossining held a public meeting on Tuesday to kick off public engagement for the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), a very exciting development! Click here to visit the Village’s DRI website to learn more and share your ideas for how this grant funding should be spent. There is an open call for projects; click here to learn more about what types of projects can be funded as part of the program and submit your ideas. We link to this and other valuable news from partnering governments in the Other Government Updates section of the Update. 

I know the last thing we all want to think about is winter weather, but unfortunately, it looks like the weather forecast is going to be a bit dicey tomorrow with heavy rain in the morning, transitioning to snow in the afternoon.  Some events have also been canceled for tomorrow due to the weather, including the Ossining Farmers Market.  Please exercise caution, stay home if you can, and fingers crossed this is the last major winter weather event for the season!  


Lastly, don’t forget to set your clocks forward an hour on Saturday before you go to bed; daylight saving time starts on Sunday morning at 2 AM. Spring ahead!


We will see you soon - stay safe and be well!



If your business, non-profit, or community group has an event that you would like to submit to be a part of the Supervisor's Update, please email a flier and brief description to dlevenberg@townofossining.com. We are happy to pass along events that provide a benefit to the community and support our local economy. Thank you for helping us to highlight all the best Ossining has to offer!