Welcome (or welcome back) to the Supervisor’s Update! I hope this week has treated you kindly. 

At this week’s Town Board meeting, we accepted, with much regret, the resignation of recently elected Town Board member Gabrielle Hamilton. We wish her all the best as she moves forward with cancer treatment. We will fill her seat, and are currently soliciting letters of interest for a one-year appointment to the Town Board to end effective December 31, 2022. While all residents of the Town of Ossining are welcome to apply, the Board will be giving special consideration to those who live in the Unincorporated area of the Town of Ossining, since there are currently no members representing that area. All interested parties shall submit a letter of interest and resume by noon next Friday, January 28, 2022, to Victoria Cafarelli at  vcafarelli@townofossining.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Please note that this seat will be up for election in November of 2022 for the remainder of the 3 years of the unexpired 4 year term, beginning January 1, 2023. You can learn more about the election process and how to run for office at the Westchester County Board of Elections website

In other news, you’ll notice that the Supervisor’s Update has a new look this week! We are experimenting with a new format that we hope will make it easier to find the information you’re interested in. Administrative updates from the Town will always be in the main body of the email. Click the graphics to learn more about upcoming events, COVID-19 updates, assistance programs, and what have you. We will add to and update these pages weekly. 

We hope you like the new format - please let us know what you think! (Be sure to click on the Nonprofits & Charity section - the Escape from Sing Sing Polar Plunge is back once again, and I’m looking forward to seeing many of you there! See the flier for details.)

Lastly, a tax reminder: Village of Ossining taxes are due on January 31, 2022, as well as the second half of this year’s school taxes for both Ossining and Briarcliff School Districts. Click here for the Village of Ossining payment link and here for school taxes. The Tax Receiver’s office will be open from 9 AM until noon next Saturday, January 29 to enable extra time for people to pay their taxes in person. 

We will see you soon - till then, be safe, enjoy the snow, and stay healthy!


If your business, non-profit, or community group has an event that you would like to submit to be a part of the Supervisor's Update, please email a flier and brief description to dlevenberg@townofossining.com. We are happy to pass along events that provide a benefit to the community and support our local economy. Thank you for helping us to highlight all the best Ossining has to offer!