Dana Levenberg, Town Supervisor
phone (914) 762-6001
fax (914) 762-0833
16 Croton Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562
The Supervisor's Office is located on the third floor of the Town offices. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Happy Friday Everyone!
Severe Weather Update:
Here are some but not all of the many events going on and around the Town of Ossining:
Spring Practice Begins the Week of 3/13*
Boys 1/2; 3/4; and 5/6: Wed. & Fri. 6:00-7:30 at OHS
Girls: Tue. & Thur. 6:00-7:30 at OHS
K: Tue. & Thur. 6:00-7:00 at OHS
*Location Subject to Change if there is a varsity or JV game. https://sing-sing-youth-lacrosse-club.leaguemanagement.us...
Black History Month Events
That’s all from me as your Town Supervisor! For upcoming events and more, click here to go to the blog.Be sure to check out our new 2023 waste and recycling calendar for changes to your pickup schedule - or, better yet, download the Recycle Right app if you have not already done so. It’s the easiest way to stay current with waste and recycling schedules. Click here to download forAndroid and here for iOS.
Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
- Liz
If your business, non-profit, or community group has an event that you would like to submit to be a part of the Supervisor's Update, please completethis form. We are happy to pass along events that provide a benefit to the community and support our local economy. Thank you for helping us to highlight all the best Ossining has to offer!
Subscribe to our email blast list and receive Town news and updates.
Happy Friday Everyone!
The Town Board would like to welcome Matthew Weiss onto our team. Mathew is a resident of the unincorporated area who has served nine years on the library board, has worked on our comprehensive plan and has been a liaison to the Equity Task Force for the Ossining Public Library. We are very much looking forward to working with him.
A reminder from our Tax Receiver:
Here are some but not all of the many events going on and around the Town of Ossining:
That’s all from me as your Town Supervisor! For upcoming events and more, click here to go to the blog. Be sure to check out our new 2023 waste and recycling calendar for changes to your pickup schedule - or, better yet, download the Recycle Right app if you have not already done so. It’s the easiest way to stay current with waste and recycling schedules. Click here to download for Android and here for iOS.
Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
- Liz
If your business, non-profit, or community group has an event that you would like to submit to be a part of the Supervisor's Update, please completethis form. We are happy to pass along events that provide a benefit to the community and support our local economy. Thank you for helping us to highlight all the best Ossining has to offer!
Subscribe to our email blast list and receive Town news and updates.
Happy Friday Everyone!
The Town Board of the Town of Ossining would like to thank the many talented and community minded people who applied for the vacant Town Board position. We had a difficult time picking just one person but we have landed on one candidate that we think best completes the Town Board as it is. We will be appointing him this Tuesday January 24th at our legislative session.
A reminder from our Tax Reciever:
The Second Half of your 2022/2023 School Taxes are due by Tuesday, January 31, 2023. The Municipal Building at 16 Croton Avenue is open from 8:30 am-4 pm – Monday through Friday to accept your payment. We will also have late hours until 6 pm on Monday, January 30th and Tuesday, January 31st. Y
You can pay taxes online at https://www.townofossining.com/cms/departments/receiver-of-taxes/tax-bill-online-payment and by mail, as long as the envelope is postmarked on or before 1/31/2023. There is also a dedicated mail slot to mail (with a stamp) your payment – in the Ossining Post Office. We look forward to seeing those that will be paying person! Call the Tax Office (914-762-8790) with any questions.
Here are some but not all of the many events going on around the Town of Ossining:
That’s all from me as your Town Supervisor! For upcoming events and more, click here to go to the blog. Be sure to check out our new 2023 waste and recycling calendar for changes to your pickup schedule - or, better yet, download the Recycle Right app if you have not already done so. It’s the easiest way to stay current with waste and recycling schedules. Click here to download for Android and here for iOS.
Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
- Liz
If your business, non-profit, or community group has an event that you would like to submit to be a part of the Supervisor's Update, please completethis form. We are happy to pass along events that provide a benefit to the community and support our local economy. Thank you for helping us to highlight all the best Ossining has to offer!
Subscribe to our email blast list and receive Town news and updates.
Happy Friday everyone!
As we get the Supervisor’s Office up and running we are reminded of one of Dr. Martin Luther King JR’s quotes: “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is observed this year on January 16. This day commemorates the life and work of Dr. King, a Baptist Minister and prominent leader in the American Civil Rights movement. We encourage everyone to join us in reflecting on the principles of racial equality and non-violent social change as we celebrate this inspirational leader’s life’s work.
The Briarcliff-Ossining Ministerial Association is holding an interfaith celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King JR’s legacy on Sunday January 15, 2023, 5 PM, at the Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Another famous quote from Dr. King is “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?” One example of this in our community is Green Ossining’s Repair Café. Green Ossining’s Repair Café will once again be taking place at the Ossining Community Center on January 21, 2023 from 11 AM to 3 PM. Come get your beloved but broken items fixed for free by volunteer repair coaches who are also your neighbors.
We want to thank Town and Village staff, and Ossining residents for their patience and guidance during this transition period.
That’s all from me as your Town Supervisor! For upcoming events and more, click here to go to the blog. Be sure to check out our new 2023 waste and recycling calendar for changes to your pickup schedule - or, better yet, download the Recycle Right app if you have not already done so. It’s the easiest way to stay current with waste and recycling schedules. Click here to download for Android and here for iOS.
Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
- Liz
If your business, non-profit, or community group has an event that you would like to submit to be a part of the Supervisor's Update, please completethis form. We are happy to pass along events that provide a benefit to the community and support our local economy. Thank you for helping us to highlight all the best Ossining has to offer!
Subscribe to our email blast list and receive Town news and updates.
Happy New Year Ossining!
Let me introduce myself – I am Elizabeth (Liz) Feldman and I am your new Town Supervisor for the Town of Ossining. As a lifelong resident and having served seven years on the Town Council I look forward to serving the community in this expanded role. I thank the Town Board for appointing me to fill out the remaining term of our previous Town Supervisor Dana Levenberg, who has been elected to represent us as our new State Assemblywoman. We expect great things from her and wish her the best in her new position.
Thank you Mayor Rika Levin and the staff from the Village of Ossining for putting together a moving Inauguration Ceremony on New Year's Day. I was sworn in alongside our new Congressman Mike Lawler, State Senator Pete Harckham, our new Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg, Town Councilwoman Jennifer Fields-Tawil, Mayor Rika Levin and Village Trustees Manuel Quezada and Dana White.
I would also like to say thank you to Deputy Fire Chief Scott Gallery for six years of dedicated service as Chief and congratulations to incoming Fire Chief Michael Scarduzio, First Assistant Chief Louis Sanchez and newly elected Second Assistant Chief Anthony Martinez. Thank you all for you service and dedication to our community.
It is an honor and a privilege to be able serve the people of Ossining. Please feel free to reach out anytime with your thoughts, comments, questions or concerns.
I look forward to working with each and every one of you to make our community the best it can be.
That’s all from me as your Town Supervisor! For upcoming events and more, click here to go to the blog. Be sure to check out our new 2023 waste and recycling calendar for changes to your pickup schedule - or, better yet, download the Recycle Right app if you have not already done so. It’s the easiest way to stay current with waste and recycling schedules. Click here to download for Android and here for iOS.
Thank you and may you all have a wonderful 2023!
- Liz
If your business, non-profit, or community group has an event that you would like to submit to be a part of the Supervisor's Update, please completethis form. We are happy to pass along events that provide a benefit to the community and support our local economy. Thank you for helping us to highlight all the best Ossining has to offer!
Subscribe to our email blast list and receive Town news and updates.
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